The colours of Oaxaca

I love Mexico. I love its colonial cities. I love its magical towns. I love its mountains, volcanoes and deserts. I love the Mexican caribbean. I love the pacific coast. I love Mexican food. I love Mexican traditions. I love Mexican folk music. But above all, I love Oaxaca. Last time I had been there was almost 15 years ago. I liked it then.  This time, I developed an infatuation with the city and its surroundings.Oaxaca is full of culture and traditions. The region distills mezcal and art. In Oaxaca City you can smell chocolate and social activism. You can find traditional tlayuderias, slow-food restaurants and renowned author's cuisine but no McDonalds. You can walk in the city center and find dozens of small coffee shops selling organic coffee but no Starbucks. You can find several traditional markets before running into a supermarket. Everywhere you look there is popular and contemporary art, traditional handicrafts and the influence of the great Francisco Toledo.DSC01602DSC02226
DSC01965Oaxaca has a long-tradition of social resistance and social movements. This is largely reflected in the art-scene in the city and its surroundings.DSC01597DSC02115DSC02275DSC02267DSC02349DSC02097DSC02284DSC02342

The colours of Morocco


The colours of Peru